This blog is part of my recovery, and I would like it to remain a safe place for me to share parts of myself and my life that people close to me may or may not know. As a result, while I'm not going crazy with privacy settings, I do ask that if you find this on your own and suspect you may know me, please respect my privacy by checking with us before reading any further. This obviously doesn't apply if one of us has given you the link!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

My latest ever Sanguine Saturday!

Oops. Sorry for the extreme lateness of this one. I have to be honest -- at first I was deliberately not posting this because I was doing very poorly and I was not being healthy about it. Since then, though, I did make the decision to post it but got distracted and busy instead! So, ignoring this week so far, here's last week's Sanguine Saturday!

Success Stories:
Although I did almost buy a bottle of vodka (even stood in the store holding it for about half an hour), I did put it back and walk out without it.
No drinking.
I made some small decisions.
I met two more of my friends who I hadn't met yet!

Gratitudes/Happy Things:
New types of sweets
Time with friends

Challenge and cheer-leading statements (I really struggled with these this week - I'm having a lot of trouble working out what is accurate/appropriate):
Feelings aren't facts.
It's better to try and get it wrong than just to give up.
It will pass if I let it.

Apologies for the lack, but no outward links again this week. I think I probably will post less links while I'm away, but feel free as always to link in a comment to my SS posts if you do your own version! I still want to read and I'm sure others do, too!

Take care of yourselves until next time, and may we all find our own small fences along the way.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sanguine Saturday in Scotland

I move on to Manchester on Monday. I'm going to miss Scotland!

Success Stories:
No drinking.
No burning.
I had the option to let someone else order my food for me (easier but not healthy for me when I can do it myself) or order my own (challenging but healthier), and I made the choice to order my own.
I was brave and tried haggis. It actually tastes quite nice.
I made some simple decisions in a reasonable timeframe.

Gratitudes/Happy Things:
Being able to help someone when they needed it.
Spending time with my best friend.
Finding a giraffe shaped lollipop.
Pub trivia.

Challenge and cheer-leading statements:
Feelings aren't facts.
Having a hard time while on holiday doesn't mean anything about me except that I'm having a hard time.
I don't have to be perfect to be liked.
It's okay to let people know I'm having a hard time.
It will pass if I let it.

Apologies for the lack, but no outward links again this week. I think I probably will post less links while I'm away, but feel free as always to link in a comment to my SS posts if you do your own version! I still want to read and I'm sure others do, too!

Take care of yourselves until next time, and may we all find our own small fences along the way.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Sanguine Sunday

Man, have I really been in the UK three weeks already? Unreal! Can't believe I almost forgot to post this, too!

This week has been a little rough intermixed with really awesome. I've been catching myself reacting to my emotions in ways that I'm not very keen on (mostly to do with food), but for the most part I don't have the energy to fight against that too, so I'm letting it go for now. It's not healthy but it's not altogether destructive, either.

Success Stories:
No drinking.

Made it to an AA meeting here in Scotland. Only actually understood about half of what was said, but that's okay.

I found the AA meeting all by myself, and then navigated myself into the city! Since navigation is not a strong point of mine, there was a real urge to throw up my hands and put it in the too hard basket (especially since I was feeling quite anxious about the meeting anyway), but I didn't.

I survived a night full of strangers, and actually enjoyed myself in the end.

No burning.

I made some decisions! I decided what tours I was going to do, with which company, and then booked myself on two.

I've been making an effort to talk to strangers, even ones who don't have a child or animal in tow. I learned that it's less scary to me if I start the conversation.

I identified (with help) something that was making things hard for me (not having been properly creative in way too long), and I did something about it by going to a craft shop and buying supplies for paper mosaicing.

Gratitudes/Happy Things:
Scottish candy (or, to be fair, pretty much any candy).
Spending time with my best friend.
Playing darts for the first time since I was little (I SO need to put a dart board up).
Avenue Q.

Challenge and cheer-leading statements:
Feelings are not facts.
Someone can be upset at me and still care about me.
Things aren't black and white. There is grey in everything (and that's okay).
I really mean that first one. Really. Feelings are not facts.

Apologies for the lack, but no outward links again this week. I think I probably will post less links while I'm away, but feel free as always to link in a comment to my SS posts if you do your own version! I still want to read and I'm sure others do, too!

Take care of yourselves until next time, and may we all find our own small fences along the way.